Ever wondered how the universe was created? Discoveries like the Big Bang have a story in themselves and the people behind uncovering it are an integral part of it since they brought those theories to the world. In his latest book, Ron shares a fictionalised version of that story and discusses some of these insights in this episode.
Featured Guest: Ron Voller, Author & Producer
1. Hubble, Humason and the Big Bang (Springer Praxis 2021)
2. The Muleskinner and the Stars (Springer 2015)
Learn more: www.ronvoller.com
Designed by the Research Labs Platform
Produced by SundayPyjamas
Hosted & Created by PrathameshRR
Directed by Nishi Panchal & Bhavin Patel
Music: Ukiyo - Calling (EP)
Copyright of Sunday Pyjamas Private Limited 2022
#23 Ron Voller on Exploring the Universe