It has never been more crucial to be wary of cyber attacks and everyone needs to be careful about their online privacy, be it companies, individuals, or governments. With 95% of cybersecurity breaches being caused by human error, bad actors deploy social engineering tactics to first hack people and then systems. Understand ways to be cautious and conscious of your online as well as offline activities. And remember, as Jay says, "Do not trust, always audit".
Featured Guest: Jay Thakor, CEO, Bitwill
Designed by the Research Labs Platform
Produced by SundayPyjamas
Hosted & Created by PrathameshRR
Directed by Nishi Panchal & Bhavin Patel
Music: Ukiyo - Calling (EP)
Copyright of Sunday Pyjamas Private Limited 2021
#17 Jay Thakor on Cybersecurity